[f18] Am I ugly ?

Get your diet right if not already, cleanse your body, exercise, moisturize your skin, get sunlight for up to 20 minutes or 30, after that should be sunscreen applied. Love yourself and enjoy life. Doubt anyone goes home and thinks precisely about you unless they’re your partner or something. Life keeps moving! Enjoy <3 easier said than done. We all have insecurities however, how you deal with them could either show that you are indeed insecure or confident within yourself. There are naturally “ugly” people all around us and “beautiful people”. However, many factors can change this from having a nice body to proper care, purpose, a smile, leggings. I kid you not, guys have a thing for feet. Not all of them but I have no clue why and I’m one of them. If you have nice feet and their taken care of, moisturized and a pedicure, you can legit pull guys with just that. Girls have it far easier than men do respectfully although, it may vary but usually, that’s how it’s seen. However, take my paraphrase with a grain of salt as I don’t know your life story nor is it intended to seep through your insecurities, etc. I would love to see you enjoy life as everyone should do and to love yourself! <3

/r/amiugly Thread Link - reddit.com