I (F20) like him (M20) just as a friend so why am i annoyed/anxious that he's going to ask another girl out?

While maybe you never felt anything, he felt some romantic tension with you, so bringing this up was probably like closing the door on that.

i just dont understand why doors were closed so fast though it just confuses me. he didnt give me time to process anything. How can you have feelings for someone for two years and then less than a month later bam youve moved on? Either way, he cant control his feelings so its fine i just dont understand why he didnt tell me because we tell each other so much and we hang out everyday. You would just kinda expect it to come out in the manyyy conversations we have but its fine, i think youre right and it may just be platonic jealous or whatever. Idek how im feeling so ill take your word for it. thanks for the answer i appreciate it

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