I (f30) have a date coming up and my friend just told me I look better in photos than in real life

Isn't this most people? We're selecting our best photos and it's not in an attempt to be deceptive but just us trying to capture us in our element, having fun, maybe it happens to be our best angle without intention

I'm not always thinking of my flaws and I may not be aware that I'm "hiding" them in my favorite pictures. Sometimes we don't include pictures of some of our greatest strengths either not realizing to show off our eyes, smile or body in fitting clothes.

Some people are better in motion though and it's their mannerisms, how they carry themselves and such. But you're getting a full picture of someone from all angles and some of those are going to be less flattering than others depending on if their nose or teeth are crooked, maybe birthmarks or hair?

I feel like I've been disappointed on first impression with every single person I met and not in a big way, it's just one quality that always sticks out that wasn't captured in photos. But over time, I've always grown attracted to these people as I see other qualities I initially didn't and sometimes it takes years and years to appreciate or even notice certain things?

You are more than your photos. My most liked photo on Hinge is one of my least favorite pictures of myself but apparently a dog and a well fitted shirt go a long way. Just be yourself and please, those overexposed morphed filters are hideous and it's always the same type of people using them, no one needs those.

/r/datingoverthirty Thread