FaceAndLMS Looks Live: Valentine's Day Blackpillathon (PM: 11 UK, 6 EST, 00 BERLIN)

Regarding 1:27:20

They want to have their cake and eat it too. They want to be able to indulge in extreme levels of hypergamy that men are not even capable of, yet want to still feel like the prize.

For Men, we aren’t trying to attract women to feel better than other men, it’s more about getting sexual satisfaction, companionship and the respect for ourselves that comes with attracting women (because women are notoriously hypergamous).

For women, attracting men is mostly about satisfying their neurotic insecurity, which is usually comes down to feeling like they have “more value” than other females. To accomplish this they specifically aim to get a man that is better (or as they would say: has more “value”) than the men the women she socializes with are dating or married to. It’s sick and insane. They literally are objectifying us smh. Their main objective is to use the value of a man to dominate other women socially. The woman in the post is mad that females can’t accomplish this by simply sleeping with men because men aren’t hypergamous. She doesn’t realize that if men were anywhere near as hypergamous as they are, she would probably rope.

/r/shortcels Thread Link - youtube.com