This Facebook comment utterly destroyed the Poster Leaders of the Alliance in BFA

I absolutely have to agree with this, as it's the largest issue I have with the Alliance as a concept in the current way they've been written. The Horde's leadership has been dynamic and changed based upon realistic circumstances, however the Alliance seems to be stuck with following a single line of Human Kings from one of the many Human kingdoms.

Do the people of these various nations and races have no opinion on the matter? Surely there are a collection of Elven scholars and druids and Priestesses who have something to say about their people being led by a 17 year old Human, a short-lived young race with little experience.

Surely the Dwarves are unhappy with their own sovereignty and kingdom being upstaged by the a 'single' line of Human kings, despite the fact that they have a stable, powerful leadership which was perfectly poised to take control after Varians death?

The Alliance simply can't continue to be led by Humans called Wrynn if it's to be called an Alliance. As it stands the Alliance is a monarchy that every other race has been subtly co-opted into becoming unwitting subjects of, and it's ridiculous.

/r/wow Thread Link -