Facebook Cut Traffic To Leading Liberal Pages Just Before The Election


gonna punch

Ok, like literally?

his lyin dog faced pony soldier

Is this one noun, two, or more?

lights out

Ok... see 'punch'. I guess literally. Maybe.

take his boots

So... doesn't he wear loafers or wingtips? So confused...

put them in the ham smoking room.

But... I thought the boots smoke? Why is the ham here? What exactly is a 'ham smoking room'? Isn't that just a smokehouse? And why would he put his 'boots' there if the boots aren't smoked?

I suspect this is a secret code of some sort from a cabal of drug smuggling aliens using political metaphors to coordinate orchestras of discordant trolls. It's like ... Volgon poetry. Madness!

/r/technology Thread Parent Link - buzzfeednews.com