Facing Episcopal Church Decline

If you want to engage an intellectual debate, I recommend making a declarative statement of your beliefs, rather than asking leading questions. I know it's scary that you might have to actively defend your beliefs, but so does everyone else :)

That being said, based on your questions, it would be impetuous to assume that these are the ONLY two issues that would cause someone to leave a Church. Assemblies of God, which had a big jump in membership ordain women pastors, and a woman was head of the church in 2009. Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, which prohibits same-sex marriage and women pastors, has also experienced a decline as well.

Moreover, it's important to recognise just because people declare a denomination, does not mean they have their own opinions on gay marriage and women pastors. Look at the United Methodist General conference last year where 355 people voted to approve a proposal on gay marriage. Those 355 people were still United Methodist, nor were their memberships revoked for voicing such an opinion.

Contrary to what inerrants believe, interpretation of Christian doctrine has been debated and changed over the last 2,000 years. It's what happens when people come into power and/or when they see an abuse of power.

/r/Anglicanism Thread Parent Link - livingchurch.org