The fact that it needs to be exposed at all is frustrating

Im blatantly honest with you. We live in the 21th century. If you still are that uneducated and fall for cheap advertisment, you deserve to get scammed. Its simple and easy.

As someone with weight problems I started to edcuate myself about proper nutrition with the age of 13. Its not difficult to learn the basics and take you about like... one or two days of reading to realize which nutritions exist (fats, carbs, protein) and how much of those is good for you. Then add another two or three days and inform you about micro-nutritions like how much Vitamins you need and how much Minerals (kalcium, magnesium, etc) you need, what fats are unhealthy (transfats) and what are healthy (Omega-3/6-fatacids, etc).

Just like... buy yourself a book about nutrition and read it. Its so little effort but can change your health drastically.

So dont blame the advertisers, blame yourself. Everyone with an IQ of 80+ is able to realize that. The only thing that matters is the information about nutrition, how much kcal and what ingredients they used. And those are mandatory for food companies.

TLDR: Educate yourself, stop blaming Advertisers. Only idiots fall for them anyways.

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