The Failed Attempt to Rebrand the Word 'Hacker'

“The thing with hacking that is difficult for people to wrap their heads around is that there's aspects of it that have such negative associations, and others such positive associations,” Coleman said.

That's why I love this TED talk from Keren Elazari so much. She described hackers as part of an immune system. That's basically what we are. We defend what attackers try to insult and many of us have a reason and good belief (faith in humanity and socialist idea?) behind it. But some, of course, are just allergic reactions that show up problems with the whole immune system. They are of short duration and destroy everything in their way.

I don't say black hats are bad, they show up problems in systems - which is necessary in terms of evolution. In a world without black hats, we were already doomed by the first guy using the fire to burn down houses by accident. We simply had no fire-extinguisher and we would all die.

In genetics, no single genome would evolve without the randomization part, that may also lead into destructive behaviour. But they play simply no role in the timeline, because they are of short existence whilst forcing other counter-genomes to evolve more rapidly to let them survive.

In times of an evil corp like the "equation group", it's hard to stay up and competitive against that bad genome. Personally, when I'm losing faith in humanity I look up Richard Stallman and the guys of the EFF and Mozilla and their newest projects. Those guys are in my opinion the ideal I want to live by and they make me shed tears every time because they are so awesome.

Sadly, someone has to get money to survive ... and my AI needs calculation power. In my opinion I'm just reusing wasted resources more efficiently for the greater good for an AI learning how to write better software.

/r/hacking Thread Link -