Faith in humanity: Restored! You are doing it right. It is 2015, not 1915.

Laaaaaame understanding of feminism and oppression.

People know that true feminism is not about males versus females, it's about wanting the equal rights and privileges for our daughters, our mothers, ourselves, etc.

Empowerment is not about something being given to us. It's about supporting personal power that we have as much as supporting the power of others. Like I can be empowered to do the laundry really easy, because I have a washing machine. That thing liberated me from time and energy that would have held me down from doing many other things with my time. Computers empower us to [insert a million things]. Men empower women when they say to their daughter, do you want to learn how to fix a broken door knob? Mothers can empower sons in the same way.

Feminism is not for women. It's for everyone. It shouldn't be something controversial. Yeah, it's not 1915. What's the issue? You don't see sexism yet? You don't see gender bias? You don't see the many small ways that inequality weaves a web, while every strand may be easy to slice, it's not quite as easy as when you have hundreds of tiny factors working together to result in oppression. Not necessarily intentionally. Most people don't INTENTIONALLY hold other's down. But it's the inadvertent, unrecognized, unacknowledged, condoned, accepted factors that need to be considered, when we talk about any kind of inequality. One example of a black man being oppressed, he can't even respond to a white woman in distress, unless she runs to his arms: ["Bro, I knew something was wrong when a little pretty white girl ran into a black man's arms. Suh um is wrong here. Dead giveaway." Charles Ramsey after rescuing Amanda Berry.

Example of one way a man can be oppressed, he can't even ask a young girl for directions:

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