Fallen Silent

Looks like I've found my tribe, at long last. I'm both African and African American and don't belong in either world, although some people here are probably black too :). I don't fit any sexual preference labels. I'll never truly be Christian or atheist and I don't think it matters. I'm not progressive and I'm not conservative. I think feminism might be objectively true but I don't hate men and I don't want to "smash the patriarchy." I like pessimism but I'm not depressed. I like antinatalism but I'm not suicidal and I just don't want kids, that's all. You get the point. So I don't belong anywhere. I'm not liked.

I like the tough love approach sometimes, at least from alternatives, where they say things like, "chances are, no one wants to hear from you anyway." I'm not some self important moron, I'm not some visionary or revolutionary. Why do I mention this? Because since age 5, I have been the center of attention, like in West Africa where I was called "the American bluffer." Long story. Where did it get me?

Right here where I belong.

I thought the world was so hostile that every living creature was my adversary. But we are social animals. I don't have to be a fortress.

Now I'm finally able to RELAX. And fit in...somehow, somewhere.

/r/misanthropy Thread