Do you think Fallout 4 is a bit shallow after playing New Vegas? I do.

FO4's charisma skill more accurately reflects real life, I feel. Uncharismatic people can get along just fine, but there's nothing that's going to inspire an interesting conversation. That's not to say I don't have critiques of Bethesda's writing, but it's a useful skill in real life, and I appreciate that it's reflected in the game. It doesn't matter how intelligent or strong of perceptive or healthy or intelligent or athletic one is if they can't get their point across in a way people care about. Charisma is the art of getting people to care, to listen.

Take, for instance, podcasters. One of the podcasts I love is Hardcore History. The creator of the show, Dan Carlin, honestly isn't the best at actually giving the listener an idea of the discussions surrounding history. He certainly doesn't do primary source research. He throws in a lot of speculation, and his comparisons can be really off, at times. He uses a lot of old, outdated sources as well (Come on, man, stuff from the turn of the 20th century? Stuff from 2010 is sometimes outdated in historical research!). For someone who enjoys academic history, he doesn't do the best job of capturing the soul of what I like. But I'll be damned if I don't love his show because he's fun to listen to. Like, there are a ton of things I dislike, but I still enjoy the overall package because it's sold in an interesting way.

I get what you're saying, but I think it's a nice change from the "Charisma is useless" mentality that's plagued other Fallout games. I would like to see more skill checks throughout the game, but I'm glad charisma is useful, especially in a way that reflects real life.

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