Fallout 4 Megathread 2: Electric Boogaloo


So let me just start by saying that I really do love this game. I think its great and has many improvements over Fallout 3 and New Vegas. I think it has really smooth combat that is much more enjoyable. But there are several things in this game that just feel very lacking and straight up lazy on Bethesda's part. Aside from any bugs, poor textures, poor animations and such, there are many issues that down right upset me with this game and what we were promised. First, I feel that Bethesda got very lazy with the story telling this time around. Right from the get go, I'm looking for my son, which to me is oddly similar to looking for Dad in Fallout 3. I am about 34 hours into this game right now and I abruptly finished the game. I chose to fight with the Brotherhood of Steel against the Institute. Upon arriving at the Institute, I was satisfied with the plot twist, that Shaun was actually an older man. This was something I had kind of expected from the beginning of the game. But after exploring the Institute and speaking with people who worked there, I realized that Dr. Madison Li was returning from Fallout 3. I was still okay with this. Until I got back to the Prydwen, and the Brotherhood told me to go get hurt so we could work on Liberty Prime. It was at this point that I was annoyed, and realized that from here on, the ending would be similar to Fallout 3. So of course there was an "epic" scripted battle against super mutants and synths while on the way to the Institute. And then when I clear out the Institute, the game slapped me in the face by saying that the Father wasn't Shaun at all. And he really was about 10 years old. With no explanation at all. And then I destroy the Institute and my story just abruptly is all over. I didn't think it would end so suddenly. It took me about 24 hours to finish it. And after logging another 10 hours on, I have yet to see Shaun again. So why did I save him? Why did they even tell me he was still just a boy? Why did they make a huge ordeal of me finding him if it didn't even matter when the game is over? I found this games story a complete mess, and I really hope I get a different experience on later playthroughs when I select different paths. The story was not all that I found lazy and sloppy. Why is it that half of the soundtrack is just ripped from Fallout 3? Don't get me wrong, I LOVE those songs, but it just seems really lazy that they didn't add just new tracks all together. Maybe I'm just being picky. Next I have to complain about the Vaults. Why on earth is it so hard for me to find much lore about the vaults? Did I miss something? I feel that I must have. I have explored 4 of the 5 vaults in this game and haven't found very much evidence, if any, that there were any cool social experiments that happened in vaults in previous games. And to top it all off.... where is the role playing that I came to love? Fallout 3 was my first RPG and got me hooked on the genre. I went back and enjoyed the original games as well. But now I find it very hard to role play and feel that I am the character that I play as. The speech wheel is the least of my worries. Its not as bad as I expected it to be. But most of the perks and the overall play style of this game make it feel like much more of just an open world shooter than an RPG. I'm REALLY not trying to argue with anyone about this. This is just my opinion, and it seems that anywhere else I talk about it, I get blamed as an asshole who can't enjoy anything cause I refuse to like Bethesda. Which simply isn't the case. I really do love the game as I said before. I just don't feel the praise of Bethesda is right, cause they don't make perfect games. Great, but not perfect. So feel free to post your opinions of the game. Tell me what you love and what you absolutely hated. Thanks to anyone actually read this whole thing and heard me out. Cheers

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