Is Fallout 76 worth a redownload?

I wouldn’t, yes they improved it and for a while they had no controversy and were giving players hope.

All that changed now with the announcement of repair kits which will allow you to repair your items on the go and can only be purchased in the atomic shop.

While this may seem insignificant this is a bad sign for a few reasons.

  1. Bethesda broke their cosmetics only promise.

  2. Repair kits still offer an advantage.

  3. Bethesda has been slowly implementing items in the shop that give a slight advantage to get us used to it so they can drop the heavy pay to win bombs cough Lunchboxes cough

Overall yes the game is okay as of right now, better than it was but still not great. However, Bethesda is going to ruin it with pay to win so keep that in mind.

/r/fo76 Thread