Why is Fallout New Vegas typically considered to be better than Fallout 3?

I would take what reddit/nomutantsallowed(No mutants allowed just hates modern fallout period) claims is the most popular with a grain of salt. Also, I wish people would stop masturbating over new vegas like its some sort of unflawed masterpiece which improves in ALL areas of fallout 3. This is FAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRR from the truth and usually comes from people who do nothing but parrot the same bias video over and over again.

The game was waaayyy too linear for a fallout title, to the point where the game flat out punishes you if you even DARE try to diverge from the path the developers force upon you. For a game people love to say is more "Diverse and free" it sure does love putting tons of walls around you. Also, for being so realistic, it tends to break "realism" any chance it can get, going as far as to shove exposition and "new vegas" down your throat and any opportunity it can. Seriously, it makes zero fucking sense for every single settler in the desert to even know what new vegas even is, yet everyone with out fail glorify's it like its some kind deity and the most important thing ever to them. Remember when every character in fallout 3 couldn't shut up about rivet city, the purifyer and the geck? No? Thats because they have far more important shit to do like ACTUALLY LIVING IN THE HARSH WASTELAND then to give 2 shits about any of that.

Also, new vegas itself. Ever wonder why people never talk about the actual location? Because the location is incredibly underwhelming and just... bad overall. For such a small area, the entire place was laid down in the most convoluted/confusing fashion imaginable. Most people who love new vegas will never admit it, but if you removed the map from the game you would want to shot yourself instead of trying to navigate new vegas.

Ugh... I could go on and on but I'm not very good with putting my thoughts into words and I'm even a more poor of a public speaker. And the chances of someone to actually come up and say "I will critic new vegas the same way people critic fallout 3!" will probably never happen until YEARS from now.

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