"False rape accusations don't hurt people"

but do you understand that an allegory without actual realistic proof is complete bullshit?

No. it's not. you're retarded. You have NO idea what an allegory is. I am going to assume from here on out that you are a troll, for the sake of your own reputation.

You can't just debunk an element of literature.

" its just a story someone made up and made end the way they wanted. "

No, it's not. An allegory is an example of a concept constructed through fictional means. It's an explanation of a moral or political position through actors or characters.

It's an ancient literary device used throughout history to teach people. It's not about to be debunked by an eleven year old on reddit.

you could make up an allegory about anything and make it work in your favor.

Sure you can. Well, sorta. Actually no.

Nevermind. You can't.

Again, retarded.

That's the point of an allegory. You can write a story about anything, and have the message be anything. It's fucking magic. BUT, the message must be clear. If you write an allegory to suit your own agenda and it perpetuates an idea that can be easily discarded as illogical, your allegory won't survive. Or it will be used as a contradictory weapon to oppose other opinions (consider a pro-Stalin story similar to Animal Farm)

That doesn't mean they can't be used as examples in arguments. Sure, they aren't evidence, but they're representations of ideas. The ideas are proven within the story THROUGH allegorical means.

what dont you understand about that?

What I don't understand is how you could possibly try to debunk a literary concept that's been around longer than the English language. I'd like to see the news tomorrow "Autism Speaks representative destroys concept of allegory, metaphor said to be next"

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