I was falsely accused of rape, here's my story.

Other than being out lawyer fees and the intense amount of stress I experienced, it has fortunately not been all that detrimental to me. The money will come back and the stress is minimal by now. I came clean with my boss and those close to me, and they are handling it extremely well. The claims are just such obviously bullshit, especially to anyone who knows me. I’m a very laidback and caring person, so my reputation is not all that ruined.

I honestly just hate how she gets to walk free. The police who were subpoenaed sat in the court room and heard her give a story that was different from the one she told them. Even heard my lawyer point this out during cross examination. Yet will they pursue charges for filing false police reports or perjury? Most likely not. And I’m not the only or most most important victim here—think of people who really are raped. This sort of thing damages their credibility and willingness to come forward.

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