Family of child that lost hand in Layton dog attack receiving insults and threats online

Agree with your atomization point but I am not sure about the selfishness and lack of empathy.

If these dog kooks/apologists met with the boy and his parents they may do a 180 degree turn around.

To me, it is not unlike the angst and torment Socialists/Communists felt when they learnt about Stalinist purges and the later subjugation of Hungary and Czechslovakia, buyers remorse with Donald Trump and Catholics trying to make sense of the child abuse cases and the Vatican's callous, self-serving response.

People become so entrenched and identified with their views that they retreat into themselves when confronted with the truth.

They double down and gravitate towards like minded folk when they feel threatened and then lash out.

Pit bull defenders in my view, are a perfect example.

I just wish they had the self awareness to to truly comprehend what they are saying and feeling is unreasonable and often cruel.

/r/Dogfree Thread Parent Link -