Family members stomped on pregnant 13-year-old until she miscarried after being 'raped by brother'

The subject is that i don't think blacks are inherently more predisposed to crime then any other race once every other factor has been controlled for.

I now see that responding to any comment that attacked me rather than my argument was a mistake, because it was pretty fucking stupid of me to assume anyone who couldn't keep emotion out of this is going to care about facts and evidence.

I invite you to prove me wrong here, but judging by this: , I don't expect you to be capable of respectable, civil discourse based on evidence and logic.

Prove me wrong

I'll probably delete any of my own comments that are guilty of this to try and keep things civil, because nobody else seems to be trying.

Also, for the record, my edits were never anything other than grammar/spelling, and text added to specify things i already said.

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