Fan Mail

This isn’t going to help you get your letter to them, but I wanted to share my story related to this that truly reassured my faith in humanity: At the end of ERS in Birmingham last February, their head security guy saw me hold up a letter with my late brothers Mass card, then walked over and gently took it from me as he nodded to assure me, “I’ll get this to them.” He folded everything I gave him with such care (I want to emphasize just how gentle natured & thoughtful he was being during this moment considering it’s this guy’s job to be intimidating while hyper vigilant of any hooligans in the crowd.) I didn’t beckon for any crew members’ attention, I just held it up after their curtain call with the mindset that if it’s supposed to get to them, it would happen naturally (I don’t see why anyone would aspire for someone’s attention by acting like we learned nothing from the second-hand embarrassment felt when looking back on Beatle-mania.) After this happened I realized it was the same guy who, earlier that night, saw me get my phone out while my other arm was holding up Josh during “Ride” and (again, emphasis on gently) tapped my arm so he could take my phone and take a picture for me, and then gave me an affectionate head pat when I said thank you. Thinking of those moments still warms my heart to this day. It was all incredibly kind of him to have done just out of nowhere....I don’t know who he is, but I’ll never forget that guy.

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