This fandom makes no sense.

I’m obvs in the minority here and I’m kind of shocked that reddit is stanning this bitch so much but I can not stand Gia and I’m not “living” for the drama she is causing at all. Give me “boring” RPDR any day! I don’t watch this show for this level of trash. I also don’t feel too sorry for her for getting nasty comments after the way she behaved and especially for bullying Farrah. The transphobia is unfortunate and I don’t condone it but she had it coming and has done this to herself. How did she imagine fans would react? I don’t think she even cares. She is delusional and selfish. I also don’t believe she is getting any kind of special villain “edit” other than what she is setting up herself. Yes, the producers are adding to the plot and the storytelling but this is their job and Gia is giving them all the material. The hate she is getting is all her own doing. I can not wait for her nasty bitchy ass to get booted off so we can go on with RuPaul’s Best Friend Race!

/r/rupaulsdragrace Thread Link -