Fandom is toxic: from SW to LOTR, Cowboy Bebop to Marvel, I've seen the most remarkable examples of human awfulness here on reddit. Homophobia, racism, sexism and pedantic over-interest in fiction are rampant in those subs, and it is just sad.

To be fair, Disney had absolutely no plan going in to that trilogy, and in the process pissed off a lot of people who hold the original trilogy dear to their hearts since they grew up with it. If we had a movie day in school 50% of the time it was Star Wars. Those movies are almost 50 years old.

I agree that the Rose Tico, Finn, etc hate was toxic and moronic. However, what they allowed to happen to the characters from the original trilogy was just wrong. Completely invalidated their arcs and made them perform actions that the characters just wouldn't do. There is no way that Luke Skywalker would a. throw away a lightsaber that could be used against him by what turned out to be a Palpatine (as if he couldn't sense that) or b. attempt to kill off his nephew because of some feelings he had. Han had no redemption and was still a "worthless smuggler". Also, the Force does not allow you to survive the cold vacuum of space, let alone "Mary Poppins" across it. For crying out loud, The Last Jedi opened with a "your momma" joke! It deserves every criticism along those lines.

I can't even judge The Rise of Skywalker too harshly, because what the hell was JJ, or anyone, supposed to do with that? At least JJ had some concept of what a Star Wars movie should look like and feel like. It seemed like he was going for the OT but just bigger and more similar than it should have been. I can respect that, if not necessarily agree with it. I cannot respect Rian Johnson or Disney for allowing The Last Jedi to be released as it was, or for not having at least a broad outline of the three film series. The actors didn't deserve the hate though, they were just doing their jobs.

Now, if you enjoyed the films, good for you. I did actually enjoy The Force Awakens, even with Han going out the way he did. However, The Last Jedi was a terrible Star Wars film made by an edgelord specifically to screw with people's expectations, and he deserves to be vilified for that.

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