The Fanfic Recommendation Link-Swap Thread

FINALLY. After almost 9 months of sweat, toil, planning, writing, and overthinking a children's cartoon about colorful horses, I am proud to announce the first chapter of {Magisight: Thaumaturgical Ocularity} is FINALLY live!

Ever since I read The Celestia Code one year ago, and after being exposed to a lot of general theorycrafting and headcanon-ing from some of my friends and strangers alike, I felt the insatiable urge to toss my own hat into the literary ring. I've never been one for heavy analysis, so I thought about taking some of my theories and head canon and turning it into a story.

The Crepuscularity of an Alicorn was my first endeavor, and although I enjoyed it, it wasn't enough. I set out to work straight away on something I am very, very proud of.

I know I'm tooting my own horn here, but I'm insanely proud of this just because of how long I've spent "distant" from the fandom and content creation. This is a huge thing for me, and I love this show, universe, and Twilight, and what better way to express it than this story?

I hope you all will find enjoyment in it as well! I'm just so happy to finally be at a stage where I can start sharing it. Not only that, enough is written and edited to where I can start releasing 1 chapter a week!


/r/mylittlepony Thread