Fans from different countries react to Israeli WC reporter.

Can't we just all bond over shawarma? Radicals on both sides are what's fucked. A lot of people just wanted to exist in a place they can call home. It's a shame there's been such a history of violence in that part of the world to claim the land as their own. And when I say "their own" I mean the like 15 diff groups that thinks it's their promised land. Shawarma, Olives, Mediterranean sea, beautiful women, leaders in science and tech. My real only thought was after the war, the taking over of more land on top of the plan to divide up land that the Arabs refused already was what will cause that part of the world to fight forever. Murdering tf out of each other. It's a shame. Free locals on both sides who just want to call somewhere home. Fuck the people who are killing people, fuck the governments who are continuing to drive nations to war instead of peace and fuck the places in America that call themselves shawarma but in not actually lamb on the soinny thing and not that tasty. FREEDOM FOR ALL AND EXTRA TZATZIKI ON THE SIDE PLEASE AS WELL AS EXTRA NAPKINS THANK YOU YALLAH

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