Fantasy Football 2017.1

Just because something is something YOU don't find disrespectful, if you know it bothers and upsets that many other people, should you do it? Me using a certain word would bother a lot of people. But hey, long as I DON'T think the word is bad, who cares, RIGHT? Sometimes, what you think isn't really the point, is it? (sorry to get all deep an' shit, and honestly, anyone can do whatever the fk they want during that song.)

Not trying to piss you off, but you gotta realize how it seems different to others. Asking someone to do something, is usually met with a lot more resistance than asking someone NOT to do something. If a muslim person asked you not to call them a "towelhead" (sorry, just an example), you're much more likely to understand, than if the Muslim person asked you to kneel and face Mecca at sunset. Most people don't have any overwhelming need to call others a derogatory name. On the other hand kneeling and facing Mecca seems like much more of an imposition. It feels more like the Muslim is forcing you to follow their beliefs.

It's not a huge deal to kneel or stand or whatever, but a significant percentage of people will always react badly when you try to FORCE them to do something.

/r/Hulugans Thread Parent