Fantasy worldbuilders, tell me about the non "staple", non "beast-folk" races/species of your world.

Vakomi are tall, long-lived, chitin plated humanoids. They hail from deserts, where their plates protect them from the harsh winds and temperatures. The plates come in a variety of shades and colors, and are molded to the various muscle groups of their bodies.

It's difficult for someone unused to Vakomi to differentiate between the sexes due to the plates. Hint: the females have a slight hourglass shape, and are more slender overall than the males. When in doubt, ask 'em. At worst, you'll receive an annoyed grumble.

There are two distinct Vakomi culture groups: Akimaran, and Marodosi. Both share certain characteristics such as general politeness, a certain amount of hospitality, and large family groups living together as a clan of sorts.

Akimaran Vakomi are as dry and unforgiving as the land they cultivate. They value social status and are highly respectful of their elders and betters. They prefer spicy foods and eat a special variety of rice that thrives in deserts as part of every meal. Due to the rapid modernization brought about by the discovery of thaumadrives, they quickly became the world's largest grain producers, gaining the various Akimaran nations a large degree of wealth.

Marodosi Vakomi, on the other hand, are as kind and forgiving as the fertile plains and seas of Marodas allow. Although they too value social status and elders, interactions are generally more open and relaxed as compared to the Akimarans. They prefer sweeter foods, and eat various fruits with every meal. Thaumadrives allowed them to mine deeper and exploit the vast mineral resources of Marodas to an unmatched degree.

Interactions between the two groups are less than friendly. Eighty years ago, a powerful Akimaran empire conquered most of the region, and sought to spread further. Knowing their brethren lived across the sea, they rallied their armies with the justification of bringing all Vakomi under one nation. The Marodosi took exception to that, and fought bitterly. International relations were tenuous at the time, and numerous treaties required other nations to aid both sides. The conflict grew and grew, until most of the world was involved in what was to be remembered at the bloodiest war in the history of the world. During this time, some nations who were jealous of the overall prosperity of the Vakomi decided to take their lands to themselves and dispose of the inhabitants. Large numbers of civilian Vakomi were taken to concentration camps and slaughtered by the hundreds of thousands. To further mock and demoralize the Vakomi, they took plates of the dead and forced the living to use them as writing slates. This spawned the first usage of the slur, "Slates," to be used in reference to the Vakomi. To this day, if you call a Vakomi a slate, you'll be lucky if you escape unharmed.

Eventually, the war ended, invaders both Vakomi and not were repelled. Present foreign relations between Akimaran and Marodosi nations are tense but manageable.

That's the Vakomi.

/r/worldbuilding Thread