Far-left violence is Donald Trump's fault. Blame Trump for not stopping us. But also, he better not stop us or he's a fascist.

Did you see his speech on Day 4 of the RNC? Biden had to use a teleprompter from a speech he made back in the 80's. Trump didn't use anything. All of his speech was from memory and he spoke brilliantly

Lol he did not sound brilliant at all. Fox News said it was underwhelming.

Trump is bad but at least he's a better alternative than Biden

That’s not clear to me at all. Trump has very cruel instincts. People that work with him don’t like him. He goes through people like tissues. He isn’t even strong enough to stand up to the deep state and he’s connected to Jeffrey Epstein.

He literally stated in an interview that he wanted to reroute funding from the police to other sources.

He also explicitly said he didn’t want to defund the police.

Why do you support defunding the police? That'll make everything worse

Not if you address the root economic issues of crime. If you get people housing and mental health services and jobs, then you won’t have as much crime. The police get way too much money and they don’t use it very well, meanwhile public services have been cut. Can we agree public services shouldn’t be cut?

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