Fast food breakfast

I've been wondering and I don't know where else to post this.But where else than the US do you have breakfast items and menus that people regularly buy?

In my 28 years of living in Scandinavia I've never bought and never talked with someone who mentioned that they have bought/buy an Egg-Mcmuffin or anything like that.

Seriously, what is a breakfast burger or burrito? Who thinks eating a burger for breakfast is good for your body. It's all the same things they put in all the other burgers except salat and vegetables. It's all cheese and fat. I get having a Ron Swanson meal once in a while in the weekend, but why buy it at a place like McDonald's?

If someone could enlighten me to why this have ever become thing and why it's still existing I'll be grateful.

/r/ShitAmericansSay Thread Link -