Fast food workers of reddit, who's your most interesting regular customer?

I've been waiting for somebody to ask this question....

lets call him "freddy". Freddy is in his early 30's, normal looking , drives a semi decent car, lives within walking distance to the store (great houses and community nearby) ,clean cut and fairly well dressed. Freddy comes into starbucks roughly around 5 times a week. He hangs around on average about 3-6 HOURS. he doesn't bring a book, computer, paper , he doesn't even browse his phone. He mostly sits and listens to his iPod and blankly stares at people, occasionally he'll pull out his notepad and write something. on several times I've tried to spark up a conversation but his responses are always incredibly vague. it's always something like."hey hows it going today freddy?" him - "good". I even once asked "hey freddy what are you always writing down?" his response - "nothing much" . pretty weird right? i thought, eeh maybe I'm over thinking it ? he's probably just lonely i thought

....BUT HERE'S THE WERID PART..despite almost coming in every day, sometimes Freddy won't come in for weeks. when he comes back he's always unusually in a chipper mood. first time it happened, I asked him "hey where have you been man?" his response - "took a much needed road trip"...ooooookay. but it gets weirder, one time my friend and his co-worker came to get some coffee so i took my break and chilled with them. Freddy comes walking up and my friends co-worker used to go to school with him and tried to start up a conversation. "freddy hey whats up man long time no talk!! how you been? freddys response - "I've been good "... he kept trying to talk to freddy. he ask's a lot of personal questions. "so where do you work? any kids? wife?" etc. freddy managed to avoid every single personal question. if things couldn't get any weirder. on night when i left work (10:30) he was sitting in his car, next morning my co-worker mentioned to me how weird it was that freddy was sitting in his car when he pulled up to work (4:40am) and that he drove off as soon as he got out of the car. we begin taking about how odd he acted, so we brought this to the attention of our manager. she laughed and said "what you guys think he's a serial killer?"

so In 10 years, when you turn on your TV and see...." 54 BODIES DISCOVERED IN A MAN'S FREEZER" ....most likely it's Freddy

/r/AskReddit Thread