Fast food workers, what is your "Sir, this is a Wendy's" moment?

I work for phone support at an internet company and this old lady Russian lady who spoke very broken English called. She said that her internet has been down all morning and that we had to send someone to fix it. I spend 10 minutes trying to get basic information off of her and then out of nowhere she mentions that her device has an AT&T logo on it! I don’t work for AT&T! I spend what feels like an eternity explaining that I can’t her with with that since i don’t work for AT&T and I hang up.

A few minutes later I get a call from the same old lady WITH A RUSSIAN TRANSLATOR ON A JOINT CALL. this lady paid this translator to explain to me that I had to send a technician over to fix her internet. I consider myself a patient guy but after almost and HOUR of back and forth with the old Russian lady and her translator I had enough. I told the translator “tell this woman that she needs to call AT&T. I will not help her anymore and i don’t want to waste your time anymore. DO NOT CALL US AGAIN EVER”. And I hung up. elderly customer service is the pits

/r/AskReddit Thread