A Faster Network at Half the Price Explained with Colorful Balls

Everyone is chiseling away at the colorful balls analogy because it works. The imagary delivers a powerful quantifiable message about value, while simplifying complex service metrics to a point that even a child can understand the difference between their choices.

If this honestly is a broadcast-ready ad, Sprint really missed the mark here... actually, I go as far to say that they failed completely.

Given that you're offering 50% off, wouldn't a more powerful message be an image of 50 balls versus 100 balls? Or perhaps 4 equal sized balls, with one ultimately shrinking in size by 50% at the end of the race so that an actor can pick it up and put it in the front coin pocket of their jeans?

Having on-camera talent finish/deliver the message would also eliminate that choppy feel. To be honest, you had my attention with the colored balls and then immediately lost it to whatever else was in my head at that moment when the chubby white ninja came on the screen. (Was he supposed to be a cross between Stephen Segal and Richard Simmons? If so, nice work.)

Alternatively, keeping in theme with a somewhat successful prior campaign - start the ad with 3 balls. (T-Mobile either doesn't deserve to be acknowledged, or has a ball that is shrunken away from the onset) Then have a voice over saying that cell service in America today from the big three carriers is quite honestly pretty much the same. (perhaps using metrics like mean download speed, dropped calls, and free nationwide/international voice roaming coverage)

After completeing that message, the balls would continue through buzz saws that pops up within each lane of the track. Each ball would then get cut in half, with one half of each sphere shrinking away as they all change in color to yellow.

To close, those half spheres would morph into the Sprint logo as the track graphic fades away and an offer expiration date is given.

Hope those thoughts help. But given the company's limited resources, I wouldn't don't waste any money running that ad as presented. Honestly, I think you'd have a better return on investment picking something else from the ad library archives.

Another idea: Perhaps run some expose style web ads featuring the truth about t-mammal using news footage from his Global Crossings days. Or maybe a rap battle between the two faces of Mr. Legre?

In my observations, there seem to be few forces as powerful as the millennial who suddenly discovers that they've been completely fooled by someone they once revered as an idol. Perhaps that's why he's been fading out of the magenta spotlight to "serve jury duty"? lol.

/r/Sprint Thread Link - youtu.be