Fat but Fit? - The medical evidence is overwhelming – obesity is bad for you and it would be a major mistake to give up fighting it

Is it really the case that a full 2/3 of the population is lazy, or unmotivated, or gluttonous?

Compared to the average person even just a few decades ago, absolutely. Sedentary lifestyles are becoming more normal, combine that with over-eating and it's a big problem. It's also a shame that what's convenient often isn't healthy.

It doesn't make anyone a bad person, they just make bad choices without putting much thought into it. Who's going to pack a lunch for work when McDonalds is a minute away and you can get a burger for a buck? Only those who are health conscious and willing to take 5 extra minutes out of their day. Even if they go to McDonalds, there are healthier options on the menu that no one ever orders.

Unfortunately I don't enjoy many indulgences like candy and sweets, and I get slandered for not liking them. Oh look at Mr. Skin and Bones he won't even eat candy what an asshole. It goes both ways because the thought that these things are somehow good is embedded so deep in our society.

Ultimately people can live their lives however they choose to do so, and shouldn't be judged for doing so, but it needs to be brought to light and addressed for the sake of future generations.

It really comes down to the individual in my opinion. While it's true that it's becoming more acceptable, people need to wake up. If they're not happy when they step on the scale, there are things that can be done besides making excuses and blaming society. If they are happy with the way they are, then that's fine too. The real issue is these people that don't care and then force their children into a similar lifestyle. It's no different than people smoking cigarettes. They know all the health risks involved, so they can't bitch about society when their health suffers from smoking. No one put the cigarette in their mouth and made them smoke it, just as no one is forcing cheeseburgers down our throats and forcing us to sit still 24/7. Yes that's the trend people are moving towards, but it doesn't excuse it or make it right. I wouldn't follow a pack of lemmings off a cliff, and even if I did I would blame myself for mindlessly following them. If they're happy smoking then so be it, but they don't get the right to smoke a pack a day and sit around blaming society for their own decisions and negative consequences.

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