Fat but weak, how should I eat?

I would say you have three options.

  1. cut hard and cut fast. Once you're down to 10-15% start bulking.

  2. Eat at ~100-200 below or at maintenance and keep your protein high (~.8g/lb of bodyweight) to try to take advantage of the beginner phase where you can both lose fat and gain some muscle then cut In a couple months and revel in the glory of your new-found sexy muscles

And there is the third option of bulking now, saying "fuck it I might feel fat but at least my lifts will be going up" and then have a more controlled cut down the road. But, from my own experience several years ago at least, if you try to bulk now you'll just feel fatter and fatter with little to show for working out and it's easy to get demotivated.

I wish I had gone with #2. You're never more motivated to start lifting than right before you begin. But you have to be dialed in on your diet and stick with a good program. I'd recommend phraks greyskull (search for it here) because I really like it and it's easier to progress (lower weight increases) even when not in a surplus

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