Fat fuck looking for a roast

I’m sure your grew out your neck pubes because you thought your hairless bowling ball made you look like a baby. Now your look like a baby trying to have a lion’s mane. But seriously, this beard says “I have no idea how to groom myself” and “I don’t care how I present myself to others.” Seriously you should shave it and don’t grow it back unless it starts to actually grow on your face.

I’ve never seen someone with a forearm fatter than their bicep. I guess that’s what happens when the only action you get is with your right hand and a folder of hentai.

I know you don’t have any friends, so until you get to a point where people don’t look at you in disgust, your best friends should be Diet and Exercise.

Shave, CICO, and dress better and then you might fulfill your full potential of looking incredibly average.

/r/RoastMe Thread Link - i.redd.it