"Fat" Identity

I see what you're saying. I also think you're making a couple of assumptions. I didn't say that being fat was the key point of my identity, merely that it was part of it. I also never said it was the best part of my life. That is very, very far from true. I am many, many things, and feeling like part of my identity is changing doesn't negate all of the other wonderful things about me. Not for me, anyway. I didn't feel the need to lay out that I am also a teacher, a compassionate friend, a great girlfriend, a kind caregiver, an animal lover, a student, a talented writer and photographer, etc., to know that all of those are also true. I know I'm a multi-faceted, talented, and beautiful person. I'm just struggling with part of me changing.

I guess it's complicated. Maybe this was the wrong place to post. But thank you for your insight and opinion, I appreciate it.

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