Fat raccoon is a glutton.

Ugh this reminds me of this one bus ride when I got stuck next to a gargantuan coon. I held my tongue and was actually able to make myself relatively comfortable despite her heavy ass breathing.

Then, about two thirds of the way through the journey she pulls out a goddamn mini carton of milk, and one of those to-go boxes of apple jacks that open up in the front and top. I watched in disbelief at first as she tore open the box very carefully and filled the box halway up with milk. I was actually pretty impressed with how smoothly she did all of this. She didn't splash a single drop. But what I was very unimpressed by was the fact that she neglected to bring a spoon. So this very well-rehearsed act of daintily fixing herself a bowl of cereal was totally foiled by her forgetfulness or maybe sheer lack of planning.

She then proceeded to sit perfectly still holding a box of apple jacks for the remaining two hours of the bus ride. Didn't even try drinking it. I think she felt pretty self conscious about the whole thing because she was staring directly at the ceiling for the rest of the ride. At a certain point, I just wished she went for it and dug into the thing because a couple splashes of apple jacks milk would have been a lot more bearable then the smell of a cereal growing ever soggier as the ride went on.

I'm not really sure what to think of coons after that incident. It definitely reinforced the stereotype that raccoons are bad planners but I she was also extremely patient in waiting with her cereal that whole time. I've also never seen a coon handle food that delicately. But the whole situation was super-inconsiderate nonetheless so my fatcoon hate is undiminished.

/r/Fatraccoonhate Thread Link - i.imgur.com