Fat women are "plus sized" but fat men are "overweight"

Your problem is that you don't know what third wave feminism is and when I said "political" you automatically went to "left vs. right."

I know very well what third wave feminism is. And I said "left vs. right" to generalize the concept of extreme political poles spelling on each others toes all the fucking time. I even said that the majority of people are independent. Sorry I didn't spell that out clearly enough for you.

If you want to judge third wave feminism on the basis of Tumblrinas then I get to judge your politics based on the Mormon church.

Literally, what? For the record, I'm not religious at all lol. I base it off the "Tumblrinas" the Youtubers, the journalists, the interest groups, and University feminist groups. I'm well aware that there are legit of feminists who don't base all of their political views out of disdain for men.

Stop being reductionist. The problem with people on social media talking about oppression isn't left vs right. It's that they are so set on making everything actionable and assigning moral value that they fail to see that it's not all about them. The problem is narcissism.

And their political affiliation is amplified by their narcissism.

It's the same problem that causes grown ass ken to pat themselves on the back on Facebook for not watching football every Sunday. It's also the same problem that caused people to burn Beatles records because John Lennon said they were more popular than Jesus. Social media is turning us into narcissistic assholes.

I never refuted that and I'm very well aware of it.

You obviously failed to understand my comment. This response was nothing more than hysterical rambling.

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