Father Shares What Trump Did For Him After He Lost His Son To Drugs

Kindred spirit! I was also saved by kratom.

I have a chronic lung issue that has cause 4 separate collapsed lungs, numerous invasive, life threatening surgeries. The only option for my sporadic bouts of crippling pain, was a never ending prescription for hydrocodone. While it CERTAINLY works, it's dangerous for prolonged use. I couldn't work or function. 3 months into pain management I flat out quit and had a ROUGH 5 days. But the pain was still hindering my life.

I found kratom 7 years ago and use it responsibly a couple times a week. It saved my life. I've NEVER needed a prescription since. Not only that, I'm healthier than ever, no liver problems like pain pills give. Changed my life.

I know thousands of pp in this country have successfully quit heroin/fentanyl and suboxone/oxycontin addictions just by using kratom for 1 week while the horrible Heroin withdrawals run it's course. All by themselves. Now sober and alive.

Big problem for the deep state and pharma cartels. Hence this disgusting crack down attempt.

I'm hopeful though man. I think this isn't going to be easy for them. The corruption and lack of science is so blatant. I think this might be the final straw that broke their backs!

/r/The_Donald Thread Parent Link - dailycaller.com