Father writes open letter to daughter about 50 Shades and how it is a great thing that most men today are betas.

Political, cultural, economic, pedagogical, ..., and all other forms of power have been surrendered by men as a collective Patriarchy, accruing to a small percentage of elites at the top and the female votes which they pander to. Women are great voters because they will believe anything that powerful, charismatic politicians say, putting undue amounts of faith in their emotional intuition.

Men are able to wield authority while caring for their women and children. The other way round doesn't work. Women don't care about protecting lesser men. They weren't built to handle it. They jump from one attractive man to another like a child that can't make up its mind which candy to get, and then when they are old and used up, they use their children in desperation to extort from the men they hate but somehow still need money from.

I am all for greater emotional virtuosity in men, because lovemaking inherently requires high-level cognitive development, but the modern culture that this father is praising is actually symptomatic of psychological dysfunction -- not emotional honesty.

One of the supposed boons of identifying with the Feminine was that it was supposed to enable greater and more honest self-expression. Instead it has hampered men from expressing their desires and expectations in all facets of life. It has lead them to put others' needs above their own to a disempowering and even actively harmful extent. In essence, social autism and dishonesty of expression.

Getting in touch with your feminine side turned out to be a mental disorder dressed up as enlightenment. It has resulted in a profusion of gamma males who adopt all the primordial female traits in order to identify with and fit in with women -- masochism/resilience, soft-spokenness, dissembling, sycophancy, narcisissm, solipsism, child-like naivete, dismissive-avoidant personality (as exampled by snark, feigned indifference, passive aggression, ...) etc. All this is simply young men who don't know any better, play-acting at being women, and in the process destroying themselves.

This father's sociosexual rank is obviously Gamma. He is apologizing for being born male. "Don't worry, I'm not going down the S&M path at all." Why would any red-blooded male NOT want a subservient woman who worships his cock. Sex is inherently about dominance and subservience, regardless of where a man falls on the psychopathy/ingenopathy scale; and even without the superficial trappings of S&M e.g. whips, chains, needles, and blood. He's a self-deluding liar. No wonder women hate average men. You can't expect them to respect you if you don't even recognize your own true nature.

This is just more effeminacy. This is a man that's been infected with the female habit of reframing mediocrity as excellence.

One last thing to note is that feminization of society begins in childhood. This is very important. The call to "man up" -- adopt all the crushing responsibilities of being a man with non of the traditional perks -- comes later, usually beginning in the 20s as the now grown (but still psychologically dysfunctional) young man enters the workforce and looks for a marriage partner. The call to "man up" is layered on top of a persona that's been conditioned as a child and a teenager to be submissive and put others first, especially the females he desires but cannot get, either due to his effeminacy or his obtuseness with regards to how sexual attraction and the mating game actually works (and his romantic failures conveniently serve to exacerbate his masochism further). The result is a hardworking middle-aged draft horse who thinks he is strong and honorable for faithfully discharging all the responsibilities given to him, as if this burden were a "gift". Actually, he is a chump who's been exploited by others all his life.

/r/TheRedPill Thread