Fathers of children who say "Do you know who my dad is?!" - who are you?

My brother used to do that allot to avoid conflict, I just let a truck full of guys with baseball bats show up if things got too far lol, got beat up once or twice but got the message across that's for damn sure.

He was in a biker gang back in the day, also spent half his life in jail. We live in a hells Angels retirement community so he's friends with all the other old timers. Which means every fuckin 20 something year old with a backwards hat will throw someone off a bridge to impress him. That respect extends to my brother, mother and I. We very rarely deal with people overstepping since most people know who we are one way or another, my brother has dealt with people more since he's transgender but almost every time one of the kids I had beaten up will go warn the homophobic kid to fuck off and apologize before I got word of it, I did have to knock out one kid for picking on him (personally, since my brother didn't want to be as known as I was so he wouldn't let us bring in people to help)...dumb kid was trying to impress me for years but didn't know who my brother was, fuck he was bawling his eyes out when I told him that was my brother and now we need to fight.. eventually he manned up but he didn't throw a single punch and got his fucking ass handed to him.

/r/AskReddit Thread