Fathers who turn out not to be the father should not be required to pay child support.

I think the best we could hope for here is an opt-out period equal to the legal time period a woman can have an abortion. The man would have to draw up a formal document, and have it notarized and delivered to her. Hell, make the opt-out time frame slightly shorter even, so she can have time to decide if she wants to be a single mother after being given formal notice. No, she can't contest, because that puts the power right back in her hands to say "actually you will be paying for this, even if you don't want to." Also make support contingent on a DNA test if you like. As a woman I would support a program like this 100% - I can choose what to do if I become accidentally pregnant, shouldn't he be allowed to choose what to do if he accidentally gets somebody pregnant?

I can understand the sentiment behind "a whore shouldn’t be allowed to have my baby without my permission" but I don't think forcing women to have abortions (which can cause real harm to the internals should they want to get pregnant in future) is any better than forcing them to carry to term. But something should be done, because forcing a man into fatherhood against his will is beyond wrong.

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