#FatJericho hashtag trends amid online body-shaming by #FatterFans

This take is legit awful lol

Body shaming is basically how you get people to have body dysmorphia or unhealthly views on how much appearance actually matters.

I went from overweight to ripped. Went from 340 to 180 (you can even see my dumbass at Wrestlemania 34 when I was fat. You know what never once helped me learn how to get in shape and eat health? Having knobs mock my appearance.

You think fat guy/gal doesn't know their fat? I'd bet money most are aware but there's something wrong in their life that makes them take too much comfort in food. Then once you are fat, it is HARD losing a lot of weight.

I pretty much have had to learn to go to the gym an hour a day almost every day since mid-2018. And it wasn't because someone was body shaming me. If anything, that led to me just being depressed and feeling less than a normal person.

So yeah... awful take lol

/r/SquaredCircle Thread Parent Link - kayfabenews.com