Fatphobia is not real.

As this post is accurate it also is ironic. You claim they are not oppressed and give great examples of how they are not. But Reddit in general already oppresses fat people and in a way your post (which is accurate) is just being used to oppress those people. So yeah they don't see oppression in society. But you can bet Reddit sure does oppress the fat.

Okay now ban me and call me a fat piece of shit as I know how you fatpeoplehate act (similar to how the KKK treats blacks.) I was banned from that sub for informing people that if they truly want to give fat people a set date to lose weight and if they don't before that date we just kill them. All I did was tell these people in that thread to seek mental help because those thoughts are not okay. I then get PMs calling me all sorts of fatty names and then I get banned from the subreddit. Even though I need to gain weight because I'm so skinny my friends all think I am bulimic and I have had test run on me to see why I can't gain weight. But yet you idiots who do oppress day people over the Internet don't even know how to think critically and can't even pick out who is fat or skinny. So as much as I hate fat people it doesn't affect my day to day activity (just like most people feel about gays) so why should I let it bother me so much that I go online to name call people that I don't even know is fat or not. That sub and the people who bitch about far people have some dilutions or are just stupid because you all seriously act like the KKK of far people.

Also not saying this post is doing that. I very much like that he points out why they are not truly oppressed day to day in society. But after seeing that sub fatpeoplehates I can't help but think most people who make a big deal about this had to have been fat themselves and now want to feel special about losing weight so they belittle fat people. I have been skinny my whole life and never have wanted to belittle day people for their bad choices. Yeah as a kid I might have called a kid fat but never took it to the level that fatpeoplehate did.

/r/TumblrInAction Thread Link - i.imgur.com