Favorite 'Character establishes their superiority' scene.

So the scene itself isn’t that good due to the direction, but conceptually speaking, Nanoha vs Teana and Subaru in Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS is a favorite of mine. Context and minor spoilers: In short, Nanoha is the protagonist and magical girl powerhouse of the series. Teana and Subaru are two new characters in StrikerS, the 3rd season, who are introduced as students Nanoha is training in magical combat (there’s a whole magical military in the series... it goes places). They’re both implied to be exceptional in their own rights but nowhere near Nanoha’s level. Still, they get it in their heads that they’ll try land one solid blow on Nanoha in a mock battle. Nanoha is out of their league, but she’s under heavy seals that restrict her magical power, so they figure that if they come up with a plan to catch her off guard, and if they train hard enough in secret, they can land one blow. This is how that works out for them. Nanoha catching the blade barehanded and not using her weapon was 100% showboating.

/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay Thread