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i actually think Santos B is in a stuck situation and doesn't want to admit it in a way other people expect him to because it's not the right time at least for him. With all the corruption of drugs and cartels in Mexico, it is no wonder Santos is being very careful yet cautious naturally. And I think most of it is older age and doesn't want to fight in the way that people perceive as professional anymore because he has already dealt with trolls in person and online for years. I just see it for what it is: He is exposing himself to learn and enjoy life from different perspectives and angles and that is where Daniel steps in. We do know Daniel comes from a businessman's and professional perspective and that is understandable why Santos fights for him and be by his side because Santos has always had other people in the past that have screwed him over or at least tries to screw up his own business long time ago. He still is a very good teacher to me and very confident in himself and his view on others that are close to him but as a former quiet student of his, I am also worried about him as during the year he had lost his gf or lover but we will just have to be patient and see what happens to his next move regarding the school, and his work.

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