Favourite Arc/Chapter

Anastasia is my personal favorite generally because i like a lot of the servants in the chapter (Ana, atalante (fursuit), ivan and avicebron especially) and also patxi is just generally one of my favourite characters

Lb6 is probably the better story, i just have a heavy patxi bias lmao, i could go on for a while about how much i love this chapter, Sith and barghest are just great characters

>!Murysaka is just generally a great character dynamic and works with both of their characters perfectly and woodwose and morgan interactions as trusted advisor and ruler are great for me, make him playable dw!<

>!beryl fits his role as a hateable antagonist perfectly, same as aurora they arent meant to be liked as good people and thats what makes them enjoyable, oberon is oberon i wish he came home. Mash is great and castoria is just generally great, incredible lostbelt!<

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