Favourite examples for Real Life Main Characters?

Juliette D'Aubigny was the daughter of the secretary of the master of horse for King Louis XIV. She was trained alongside the court pages, learned sword fighting, and at the age of 14 she started an affair with he tutor. A bit later her lover got in legal trouble for sorta kinda stabbing a guy, so they packed up and joined a traveling opera to run away together.

After a few months of this Julie grew bored with her lover, so she took up with a young noble woman, whose parents were scandalized and immediately sent her away to a convent. So, Julie did the only rational thing: stole a corpse from the local medical school, disguised herself as a nun, smuggled the body into the convent, and they ran away together, leaving the corpse behind after setting fire to her room.

Her second lover eventually returned to her family, so Julie rejoined the opera, blended into high society in Paris, and proceeded to insult a local nobleman, who proceeded to challenge her to a duel, which she proceeded to win, by proceeding to stab him in the shoulder. The man was so impressed they ended up becoming lovers.

Dressed as a young man, Julie scandalized a society ball by flirting with all the young ladies, which offended the locals so much 3 of them challenged her to a duel. Julie then proceeded to win 3 duels in a row, and had to flee the city due to laws against dueling.

Julie then ended up Brussels, with another opera company, in a relationship with an older noble woman. After her last lover's death, Julie then retired from the world and joined a convent.

Also, it's worth pointing out that all of this happened before she was 19. Julie D'Aubigny died in a convent at the age of 33 with one of the coolest life stories ever.

/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay Thread Link - i.redd.it