FBI Statement on HPSCI Memo

"Critical Thinking" is always the blanket excuse given for conspiracy theories.

Whether Pizzagate, BHENGHAZI! Uranium One, 9-11 truthers, birthers, or whatever.

The GOP is doing everything they can to stop transparency and a independent investigation. They have been caught in lie after lie, being charged with crimes, having to take plea deals, being forced to resign, etc... And somehow you're saying that the people taking every possible action that a truly guilty person would take are the ones fighting for truth and deserving to have investigations dropped against them.

Good luck with that.

If we can have many years of BHENGHAZI!!!!! I'm sure we can have a full investigation into Trump and Co's past dealings, from money laundering to obstruction and everything inbetween.

/r/politics Thread Parent Link - fbi.gov