FBI vetting National Guard troops amid insider threat fears

Now you're finally reading what I'm typing.

Let's start by dismissing this idea that Facebook or Twitter are in any way comparable to Parler. I'm sure ISIS' old forums were also occasionally used to exchange banking recipes, right? A forum in which extremism and threats of violence are commonplace and expected is not the same as one in which they occasionally happen and you know it.

As far as the above, no, if I just said "Joe Snuffy uses Parler, you would (rightfully) roll your eyes and move on without giving me the time of day. But as one indicator among many, it's useful because Parler was a hotbed of extremism, and also because it may be a useful starting point to find specific threats of violence, because you know as well as I do that those were nowhere near as rare on Parler as they are on the other sites you mentioned.

/r/army Thread Parent Link - apnews.com