It's [FDF] here in the U.K. so lets get started.

Just looked through your pics. Of course the attractive, white man has the fucking nerve to come up to me and ask me why I'm having so much trouble getting laid. Go. Fuck. Your. Self.

My god, this is the most arrogant, tumblr-laden, entitled thing I've read on this sub in a long time.

Simply being white doesn't cut it for the millions of gay guys out there because sexual attraction is such a variable thing. I've met nominally perfect guys that I've rejected because I didn't like their personality, habits, moral values or even their smell and the exact same thing has happened in turn to me. Sexual attraction is a weird thing that varies from person to person, but if you just sit on your ass and complain then you won't get anywhere anytime soon. What's most unattractive about you isn't your race, but rather your attitude which absolutely smacks of trumped up injustice all because you can't get laid on some stupid app.

Now, is there racism in the gay community? Absolutely. I was discussing this subject with some straight friends of mine last night who were aghast at the idea that someone would say "no rice, no spice, no chocolate" (or variations upon that) on their profile picture. It is a scandal and something that needs to be tackled. However, that doesn't mean that Asian guys are all automatically unsuccessful. That entire premise is asinine.

Speaking frankly, the sex apps (Grindr, Scruff, etc.) are a terrible way to meet good people. They're great for casual sex (if that's your thing) because you can get what you want at the snap of your fingers. They are not, however, great for general human interaction. You need to stop being so bloody bitter and get involved in the wider gay community outside of your little bubble. Go out and volunteer at a gay youth refuge. Go and join an LGBT sports team or, fuck it, join a knitting circle or whatever activity you so desire. The fact that you are complaining about a lack of sex is your fault and your insecurity, not /u/charawaybok's problem.

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